Almost 5 years ago my excitement for starting a family and getting married was unexplainably high. I simply thought we get married and have a baby never did I ever think that trying to start a family would be as difficult as it is in reality…sure I herd of women having miscarriages and loosing there babies but I always just assumed that the women was unhealthy or doing things during pregnancy that she should not be …then I experienced my first miscarriage , then three months later a second one then by the grace of GOD came Santino our first baby and a year and a half later I was pregnant with out trying with his brother Nico after a year we became pregnant again and then suffered another miscarriage this time very late in the first trimester although it was my third one it was the toughest to over come I had started showing and telling people because I was around 13 weeks which is the time they say it is safe to start telling people. I was also pregnant with twins with an extremely high risk pregnancy and unfortunately that pregnancy ended at 6months loosing bothing babies…...I am now close to 6 months pregnant again and am patiently waiting the arrival of a little girl in November. I am just sharing my story because I feel for those of you who are struggling getting pregnant and those of you that have lost your babies it is the hardest thing all three times that I have went through and I pray for all of you who are currently facing these situations….My faith got me through these hard times and is getting me through this pregnancy one day at a time….just remember it is out of your control and no matter what you do if your supposed to miscarry its going to happen i know its hard not to blame yourself but lets face it its to complicated its in Gods hands!!! Hang in there ladies, I hope some of you reading this who have not started a family yet , never have to go through these struggles but it is a sad reality that many women will have to experience. I hope this can encourage all of you to stay strong and make it past the hard times lean on your family and spouse to get you through!