My 2 year old has turned into the biggest brat !!! I don’t even know where it came from his older brother was not a brat and go double the attention because he was the first grandchild. My little guy throws tantrums over everything and im sick of it so I am starting to train him….heres some advice that is working for me….when he/she wants something wait a couple minutes to give it to them (if it is something they can have) this is working for me he is starting to realize he can’t have everything he wants exactly when he wants it, another thing to do is just say no just to warm him/her up for future things that you really dont want them to have. If they start throwing a tantrum (leg kicking, bucking backwards, or even self inflicting pain such as purposely hitting there heads off of the walls) take them put them on a carpet or some surface they wont hurt them selves if they do, do those things leave them there alone and let them throw there tantrum. And then if he is having a crying fit and screaming I put him in a corner and when he stops I ask him if he is done and usually he will stop at that point…..Another thing that can honestly train them is NOT always getting involved with the big brother who likes to take things off little brother. This will help the little one learn to stick up for himself and also to share even if he doesn’t want to , I would reprimand the older one for taking , but I usually do it after the whole situation has played out because I like to see how they are going to handle situations cause lets face it some kids are jerks and your child may be one of those kids that gets bullied by a jerk or he could be the jerk/bully nice to have them prepared!!!! Please let us know your secrets/tips/feedback!!!!
Wait one more thing. the younger brats… if you are training your baby to go from sleeping with you to their own crib or even from sleeping in your room to sleeping in their room…LET THEM CRY IT OUT……if they are crying and you go get them out they are going to know that crying is what gets them what they want so it is going to take the whole process alot longer…I went through this with my first child made the mistake of letting him sleep with us since he was a baby and when we transitioned him it took a good 4 days before I could put him to bed without him crying so just hang in there and if you work or are a light sleeper start it on the weekend because lets face it you will not be getting much sleep during this transition but the key is not letting them win!!!…Goodluck